Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (joyous day of deliverance edition)

Gold breaks U$1k. Big deal. So now what?

Great Panther (GPR.to) up 31.4% at $0.92 and the star of the day on my radar. All sorts of weird rumours floating round this stock, including musings on buyout offers from (EDR.to) and some or other influential newsletter tipping it and causing a self-fulfilling prophecy. A buyout would surprise me greatly…this is a sub 500tpd miner with a patchy record and thin-veined assets being overmined for grade right now. Really, this is all about the fact that GPR.to and other high cash cost dogs now have spot silver at a place where even they can actually make money. If you like to gamble on the market, consider these high leverage plays. If you’re a more serious investor look somewhere else, as if Ag retraces to $13 or below the GPRs of this world will give you a lesson in price tipping points going the other way that you won’t forget in a hurry.

Troy Resources (TRY.to) up 2.9% at $2.10 and actually doing some volume for a change, with some dude finally deciding the stock is cheap after its 150% upmove and buying 100k’s worth. That’s the way with big money…generally more chickenshit than small money. Mind you, it’s still a great stock and it’s still going higher.

Dynasty (DMM.to) up 2.8% at $3.65. Last call for this train, laydees and gennelmen. According to the Spanish language version of the Ottoscopeā„¢ you have a maximum of two weeks to take your best value seats. We advise early booking, as those purchasing tickets on the day will be forced to pay a premium but will, however, still obtain excellent value. DYODD, dude.

Gold Reserve (GRZ) up 3.4% at U$0.68. Just to remind ourselves that any old crap gets bought in a sector melt-up. As much chance of producing gold in Venezuela as Michael Moore has of producing a baby with Michelle Malkin.

Gleichen Resources (GRL.v) up 9% at $0.90 and doing decent volume again. Nearly forgot to mention this one. Check out the way its woken up since last Wednesday and expect newsflow.

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