Take physic, pomp

Trading Post (wheat and chaff edition)

Aquiline (AQI.to) up 4.9% at $1.71 though volumes rather low. The market liked this morning’s news about AQI’s decision to buy in as planned 100% to the Pico Machay project in Peru. Subscribers of the weekly will know I’ve been…errrr…ahem..following this stock fairly closely recently.

Capstone Mining (CS.to) up 15.5% at $2.90 and everyone loves CS.to again. New kid in town on copper and that Minto thing it got as part of the Sherwood deal is turning out to be a little star of a mine. Why it’s up so hard today I dunno (apart from the way copper upped in London, por supuesto)…anyone heard of an upgrade or a newsletter pump?

Fortuna Silver (FVI.v) up 3.6% at $0.86, again low volumes. You could have got 77c last week…hey ho, another round of the bouncing FVI. Great company, well run and excellent value here.

South American Silver (SAC.to) up a penny at $0.41. SAC.to published a NR less than an hour ago….oh I feel an Ototrans™ coming on! This thing should be avoided (or at best approached with extreme caution), as it’s yet another miner that massages its numbers to a deep shiatsu level in order to be something it isn’t and then has this habit of leaving the sensitive parts of its bizplan in the deeper corners of its regulatory filings. “Pssst! Wanna buy some indium in Bolivia, guv?. We don’t have surface rights or money anything…but come have a look at this here indium! Pretty colour, innit guv?“.

Chariot Resources (CHD.to) up 9.5% at $0.23 on fair volumes. Well hoodathunkit…up 15% on the week so far. IKN Weekly subscribers will know we’ve been fishing for weeks on a decent entry point for this stock and took the recent 20c offered. A nice start to the trade on the back of today’s copper pop. DYODD, dude.

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