- 1) It’s getting pumped by the brassnecks at the can of corn. Twice this week the dog known as DRI.v has appeared in breathless notes in the ‘Morning Coffee’ publication, today’s pearl using that wonderful “the next Aurelian?” line. Laughable.
- 2) It was the subject of this series of posts last year on how a gold mining stock with serious red flags is pumped to sheep. There’s plenty on the subject of the Cenepa region in the series, including how Anglo picked over the concessions and handed them back. And the tens of thousands of landmines, too. But don’t worry about your geologists getting blown up in the middle of the Peruvian jungle…doesn’t happen often.
- 3) Right now, according to the Peru ombudsman “Defensor del Pueblo”, Dorato is in social conflict with the locals around the project. And we’re not talking about that lil village just down the road, either, we’re talking about 55 separate communities of the Awajun-Wampum people that live there. Also, there is no dialogue currently going on between the two sides. You think they’re going to get drill permits? Try thinking again.
The latest pump job might have something to do with the recent appointment of Gordon Neal to the board of DRI. Neal is also the VP Corp Development at MAG Silver, a company that has managed to screw up one of the better silver asset discoveries of this decade with inept corporate politics. He must have ‘the Zeds” phone numbers on his rolodex….