Take physic, pomp

To highlight the joke that is Mantaro Silver…

…your humble scribe chortled when he found out what happened after we shone light on the fetid corporate make-up of this upcoming promo pump. In our humble missive “P.T. Barnum PhD has out-done himself this time” of three weeks ago, well-deserved light was shone on Luis Saenz, proposed director and the man chosen to head up Peru operations. The funnies start the next day, because Mantaro Silver’s CEO Chris Wilson started phoning around Lima, trying to get information on him. In other words, the Chair and CEO of an upcoming IPO had nominated and signed off on a scumbag lout to be a director of his company without lifting a finger or doing the slightest DD on the man. Wilson didn’t have the first clue about Saenz, his background or the dirty tricks he has pulled in recent times, that’s the level of clownery and mining amateurism, dressed up as yet another all-conquering CEO, coming to the Peru mining scene soon.

Let me buy you dinner when we get down here, Chris.

1 Comment

    Change your name to Marcos Tornero and you too can be a director!

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