“I have stated most recently that the few individuals who use the Internet to make unsubstantiated claims about me never once have said such in any public forum or to my knowledge to any proper authority. I never engage them and from time to time remind supporters it’s a waste of time to do so because they will never come out into the light of day. Even a third-rate (and that’s a far higher rating than he truly deserves) newsletter writer/blogger (who can’t even pay a few bucks to have his own site but blogs on Google) attacks me and many others from the comfort of thousands of miles away in South America. Like the others, his accusations and rants are not just vulgar, but are obviously done with a skirt on. To engage these poor souls would only play into their world and my maker said I was to be in the world but not of it (Praise God!).”
- Only dumbasses care
- Google blogger is a very good service and there’s no need for a dose of social cachet to be dolloped on the world by having a trendy addresss….unless you’re a dumbass of course (see point 1)
- Because it’s inside the Googlypeople’s world it can’t be hacked, a little matter that annoys the people who have gotten rich on the backs of others and are now afraid of seeing truth spilled out about their two-faced worlds. Know anyone like that?
PS: How do you know I’m a third-rate newsletter writer, Pete? You’re not on the subscription list, so has somebody been bunging you my original ideas so that you can rip them off?