As for the opinion polls, recent ones from the more respected firms (e.g. datanalisis, which although not perfect isn’t bad) put the balance in favour of the “YES” vote that Hugo wants by 51.5% to 48%, more or less, with the momentum in the YES favour. Let’s see if today’s march can turn the tide in any way. Friends of Otto in Venezuela witha more-or-less neutral political view say that the whole caboodle will depend on the turnout on polling day, with the more people voting the better it is for Hugo.
So the stage is set for the last week before the vote. Make no mistake, this is a big moment for Chávez and Venezuela and will set the tone for years to come. Personally it’s a tough one to call, so i’ll limit myself to hoping that the peaceful attitude of both Chávez supporters and opposition shown so far (with a few Molotov-esque exceptions) is extended all the way through.