Take physic, pomp

A nice explainer on The BridgeMark Group scam

Right here. An extract:

As an example of what occurred,
BCSC outlined how four of the 11 issuing companies (Green 2 Blue Energy
Corp., Cryptobloc Technologies Corp., BLOK Technologies Inc. and New
Point Exploration Corp.) raised nearly $18 million by privately placing
(selling) shares directly to the various BridgeMark members.
The companies then returned
$15.3 million to the BridgeMark members in so-called consulting fees,
leaving them with $2.7 million. The members, now down $2.7 million, then
sold their shares (which were originally issued on a free-trading basis) for $8.8 million, thus raising about $6.2 million in allegedly illicit profit.
“In addition to being quite
bold, it’s quite clever. You get the money and back it goes. It’s simple
enough, not overly complicated; but I guess that’s the charm,” said
Woods of the allegations.

Full story here and notice a little further down the report the reference to Kootenay Zinc (ZNK.cse), as IKN will have a post on that stock coming out later today.

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