Take physic, pomp

About DMM.to

I’ve been asked by a DMM.to long via mail whether I’m taking profits. That’s an easy one to answer: NO.
In the report I wrote that I was looking for a jump to $3, then $4 or so once the mine opened and a steady state target (using the conservative-biased parameters mentioned in the report) of $5.60. You think I’m going to bail just because the first target was blow away in just three weeks? No way! If it rushes directly to $4 then there’s a place for thought and perhaps taking 1/2 profits. That’s as whussy as I get, though.
If you want a copy of the report I’ll be happy to sell you one (sold two today). Here’s the pitch post, but it boils down to sending U$10 via PayPal to this address……
otto.rock1 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
…..and I’ll send you your copy. But the call is the same as on the free blog. It’s still a great buy.
Greetings from a crummy cybercafe as I wait for the computer doctor to give me the bad news.

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