Take physic, pomp

Another day, another strike in Peru

This time it’s a transport strike that’s also affecting The Republic of Lima, so media outlets are actually paying some attention. The strike is about the new road-users laws and fines trying to get pushed through by Twobreakfasts (hey…fining motorists is a great way to prop up GDP, no?), a whole list of new infractions that would put Peru up to the level of a serious country for transport…and Peruvians can’t hack that idea.

Evermore pathetic El Comercio is lying through its teeth by reporting that only 30% of transport workers are adhering to the strike. The fact is that if you didn’t commute early you’re now stuck where you are in Peru.

Meanwhile, the 270-odd cases of industrial actions up and down the country get no press whatsoever….because we don’t talk about these things, do we? Because Peru is a paradise of perfect development and social inclusion where the rich don’t get richer without thinking of the poverty all around them first.

Twobreakfasts condemns the strikers, a sure sign of a successful strike. Jeesh what a dumbass.

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