I guess you just love making enemies. David Erfle, as far as I can tell, is a decent guy. Certainly not a Vancouver shyster type. He isn’t even overly promotional. So he made a bad pick. Your wording is insulting. I had no issue with you calling out the crooks. I even appreciated it. But in the last few years, you’ve attacked many decent people. Why pick fights for no reason. If I were David, you would now be on my sh*t list. Why do you do this? I’m truly curious??
Well, as you asked, David Erfle is the guy who spread online gossip about me being banned from entering The USA. He did it to sound clever and make out he was part of the inner-circle of mining knowledge. Totally false, of course, but he made it up and published it all the same.
I guess you just love making enemies. David Erfle, as far as I can tell, is a decent guy. Certainly not a Vancouver shyster type. He isn’t even overly promotional. So he made a bad pick. Your wording is insulting. I had no issue with you calling out the crooks. I even appreciated it. But in the last few years, you’ve attacked many decent people. Why pick fights for no reason. If I were David, you would now be on my sh*t list. Why do you do this? I’m truly curious??
Well, as you asked, David Erfle is the guy who spread online gossip about me being banned from entering The USA. He did it to sound clever and make out he was part of the inner-circle of mining knowledge. Totally false, of course, but he made it up and published it all the same.
That curious thing, kills cats yknow.
Sure he did. You’re so important that everyone spends their time thinking of you and ways to get you. Write a column about your silver call why don’t you. Or a retraction of your haughty mocking of anyone saying covid may have lab origins. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/05/26/statement-by-president-joe-biden-on-the-investigation-into-the-origins-of-covid-19/
And that’s an order.
Signed, teh interwebz
PS: “Paid to pump stocks” and “decent guy” just don’t go together.