Take physic, pomp

Bagholder Quotes, New Gold (NGD) edition

As it has now been sent to this humble corner of cyberspace twice in the last few hours (TY readers L and G), your humble scribe thinks a little more light is due. This is the mailer that the retail flock unfortunate enough to be on Eric Muschinski’s mailing list got yesterday:

And here’s another piece of mining literature that may be of interest. Same author Eric Muschinski, same company New Gold (NGD), the only difference is the date of publication, February 13th 2017:
And let’s check the scoreboard on that:
Oh dear. Lord only knows how many times he reco’d this thing before 2017. But one thing is sure, Eric Muschinski knows nothing about balance sheets. Why the financially illiterate self-appoint themselves as gurus is a minor mystery, why people actually listen to these dumbasses is the real conundrum. Mind you, I’d safely bet that those people paying this guy money are happy about their sponsorship of his Yucatan Peninsula vacation this festive season. Ho Ho Ho.

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