Take physic, pomp

Bagua: Indigenous leader Alberto Pizango gets refuge in the Nicaraguan Embassy in Lima

News from BaguaFalloutVille is that Alberto Pizango, the indigenous leader with an arrest warrant on his tush and a possible 35 year jail sentence when (not if…this is fascism in Peru now, not democrcy) he’s convicted has decided to get refuge amongst the Axis of Evo’s weakest link, Nicaragua. He’s now hanging in the Nica Embassy in Lima. Pizango picked a nice spot, in fact. The embassy is right next to San Isidro golf course, so maybe he can slip out for a round or two while nobody is watching.

Or maybe not.
Anyway, if you feel like contacting Ortega’s pals in Peru (journalists or wingnuts….those categories are not mutually exclusive, of course) here are the contact details:

Dirección: Avenida Alvarez Calderón No. 738, San Isidro-Lima-27, Perú
E-Mail: tgomez@cancilleria.gob.ni
Teléfonos: (00511) 422-3892
Fax: (00511) 422-3895
Apartado Postal :
Horario de Atención : De lunes a viernes de 8:30 a.m. a 1:00 p.m./ 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Concurrencia: República de Bolivia
Representaciones :

Listado de Funcionarios

Nombres Apellidos Cargo E-Mail Teléfono
Tomás Wigberto Borge Martínez Embajador/a tborge@cancilleria.gob.ni
Tasha Julia Del Pozo Gómez Silva Primer Secretario tgomez@cancilleria.gob.ni
Marisol Magali Olcese Balabarca Responsable Administrativa molcese@cancilleria.gob.ni
Emma Rosa Lopez Saavedra Secretario/a elopez@cancilleria.gob.ni
I happen to think the name Wigberto is wonderful and deserves to be in a Dilbert cartoon or something. Anyway, back to the story and of course the roused Peruvian racist scum rabble are now up in arms about the Axis of Evo and how Chávez is out to destabilize Peru and all sorts of other things connected with Nica. Poor old Nica…can never seem to catch a break that country…
Oh, another thing. Prime Minister Yehude Simon (who has turned out to be a wanker, not just a toady disappointment) says he feels sorry for the deaths in Bagua….of the police officers. The reported 89 (yeah, eighty-nine) missing indigenous aren’t going to make him lose sleep. The asshole. Treehugger NGO Amazon Watch has formally accused the Peruvian police of disappearing bodies, as well.

Final snippet: The Amazonian indigenous have decided to go on indefinite strike as of Thursday 11th June. Could be a lot of fun……….

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