Take physic, pomp

Bolivia’s election: Want a clue about who wins?

Well, how about the fact that Manfred Reyes Villa, chief opponent to Evo Morales in this weekend’s vote, has bought airline tickets to the USA and is planning to fly out on Monday 7th December, one day after the election.
Here’s the story linked, and here’s the photocopy of the tickets bought by Manfred.

click to enlarge (got names and everything)

As the report points out, perhaps Manfred is in a hurry to leave because he’s under judicial investigation in his home town of Cochabamba for illegal use of public funds. Nah…probably coincidence, that one……

Anyway, Evo leads 2nd placed Manfred by a mere 34 points in voter intention. The only question left is to wonder by how much Evo wins on Sunday.

Duty free scotch served. The end.

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