Take physic, pomp

Bolivia’s right wing thugs resort to violence because…..

…they know they can’t win by any democratic or fair means.

Today, Gallup International released the results of their survey on the December 6th Presidential elections. Here’s how voter intention stands right now between the candidates for the job.

Let’s be clear: This is not a tough one to call, folks.
(click to enlarge)
According to Gallup, even if the fractured and rabid opposition bandied together and united behind a single candidate, the Evo would still score at least 58% of the vote and possibly a lot more. Also important is the low number of undecided, as minds are already largely made up. Evo wins, period. Get used to the fact, wingnuts.

Also (and this is pretty impressive), according to Gallup, as things stand Evo wins the popular vote in every single one of the nine departments of Bolivia. Here’s the chart of the region-by-region voter intention…

(click to enlarge)
..and even in the lowest polling department of Santa Cruz (natch) he gets enough to be top dog against a fractured opposition and would be neck and neck if opposition united. As it is, he scores over 50% of the vote in four regions, easily wins three, probably wins Beni whatever happens and only has any chance of losing amongst the fascists and Nazi-worshippers of Santa Cruz…y’know, the ones John Enders speaks so highly of all the time.

Here’s a report that includes this from Gallup (translated):

“The theory of ethnic division (place an indigenous candidate against Evo to split the MAS party vote) has not gained any traction, as neither Víctor Hugo Cárdenas, René Joaquino or Román Loayza have any popular support. This simply ratifies a principle of any strategist “Whoever tries to copy the fortunate leader will always come second” and also a second basic fundamental; “Never underestimate the advantages of facing a divided opposition.”

“Also, under the “non-critical conclusions”, Gallup establishes that with the exception of Santa Cruz and Beni the opposition has no clear chances; Santa Cruz, Beni and Pando have split votes (between two and three opposition candidates; in Cochabamba and Potosí, Reyes Villa and Joaquino respectively have some regional power. Mathematically, adding opposition votes gives 36% versus 58% for Morales and this gives (Reyes Villa and Joaquino) some possibilities.”

Now it wasn’t so long ago that a certain blue-eyed whitey named Enders filed a report lauding the sellout Cuellar of Chuquisaca and trying to make out that indigenous vote-splitting tactics of the opposition were working. Jeesh what a dumbass that guy is, waltzing around a country without a single clue about how it feels, what it thinks and how it acts….it’s embarrassing. So when will the English language reporters start to accurately reflect the opinions of the clear majority of Bolivians? Inquiring minds etc…

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