Take physic, pomp

Brazil’s economic turndown in one easy-to-understand chart

Holy Caipirinhas, Batman. Check out how Brazil’s impex trade has just fallen off a cliff. Click this link to download the chart (sorry, I’m too dumb to work out how to peg a chart ripped from a PDF into a blog post). The chart is VERY scary and should send a shiver down the spine of every single LatAm economist and/or market watcher. It might even interest intelligent people, too.

A pity I can’t work out how to put it directly on site. Any smart people know a way? The chart taken from the Datamar shipping weekly, who sourced it to Brazil’s MDIC. You don’t need any further comment from here, methinks. Is Mark Mobius still buying Brazil?

UPDATE: One smart reader later, here’s the chart. No need to click that download link now.

Thanks, ‘R’

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