Take physic, pomp

Brent Cook on BNN’s ‘Market Call’ tonight 7pm EST

Every once in a while something is worth watching on teevee. It doesn’t happen very often but tonight throws up one of those occasions with Brent Cook appearing on BNN’s Market Call for a full hour this evening., Tuesday November 2nd. The show starts at 7pm EST so make sure you’re watching because you’ll be smarter about rocks afterwards, that’s a cert.
Headsup complete. You do have please that nice day yes thank you very well.

UPDATE: A message from the bearded one himself:

It’s live TV.  If any of you have any questions it would of course be great to hear from you.  The number is toll-free 1-877-667-6288 or from Toronto 416-957-8199.  You may email questions to marketcall@bnn.ca

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