Take physic, pomp

By mouthbreather demand: IKN writes nice things about a junior mining stock

I’m getting another round of dumbasses asking me why I’m so negative on the mining industry, why I always post nasty things about juniors, why don’t I have a life and seem to be such a bitter twisted piece of crud and, just to prove they don’t have the first freaking clue about the word, asking me why I’m such a troll.
Yes indeed, another day in mailbag paradise, wading through mouthbreather mails and their painful grammar.
But hey, I’m supposed to be a capitalist and want growth and recognition and the customer is always right and all that shit, so today I’ve decided that it’s time to kow-tow to the market braindead and give them a reco for a stock that’s truly worth their time owning. By way of disclosure, yes indeed I own shares in the company I’m about to mention and it’s also covered in The IKN Weekly, so I’d assume a portion of IKN Weekly subbers also own some. I bought at lower prices and have a target that’s substantially higher than today’s market price, so I’m not trying to rip you off like Marin Katusa does and sell into any new buying, I’m a strong holder until my target is hit. This stock is going to have an excellent financial 2017 and the next quarter in particular is set to be a blow-out, which will make all the sell-side anal ysts who doubt its balance sheet STFU once and for all. So buy yourself some Atico Mining (ATY.v) mouthbreathers, anything under 70c is a drop-dead knockdown bargain, even paying 80c is dirt cheap and a no-brainer. Which is perfect for people like you.
Have a nice day. Love and kisses, Otto.

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