Take physic, pomp

Chart of the day is…

…this. There can be only one.
That’s not the final, all down official percentages because we still have about 7% of votes to be counted, so give it  couple of days and the numbers after the decimals may change a bit. But it’s a done deal by anyone’s standards. And by the way, recall how all through this campaign your humble scribe has pointed to Datanálisis as the “best of a bad bunch” when it comes to Venezuela opinion polls? Well folks, look at what some of Datanálisis’s staunchest critics (and bigtime Capriles supporters) are now saying:
“Readers of this blog know that for the past few weeks, we (mostly me,
really) have raised serious doubts about Datanálisis’ poll predictions.
At the same time, we relied on Consultores 21′s projection that
Capriles was ahead.
The results were a clear endorsement of Datanálisis, who predicted
the outcome pretty nicely, and a serious embarassment to Consultores 21.
So in that regard, kudos to Datanálisis and their team. They can be proud, and I apologize for criticizing them.”

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