…Uranium Participation corp (U.to) as a decent proxy to the metal:
Incredible though it may seem, the same people who told us that Uranium would suffer a temporary blip and spike right back up just after Fukushima are still telling us to get on. It’s also interesting to note that the people pumping U junior plays to the masses tend to be the good ol’ boy live free or die Libertarian* brigade that reject all that there commie policy nonsense and don’t trust the government when it comes to things such as….ooooh, I dunno….the gold count in Fort Knox, for example.
Oh, the pro-Uranium junior brigade also told us that the Fukushima situation was all done with and under control, because that’s what government officials told them. Fortunately, our governments never bullshit us and the public is bound to be in favour of a new wave of nuclear power plants programs, coming soon. Here’s Reuters this morning:
(Reuters) – Radiation readings around tanks holding contaminated water at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant have spiked by more than a fifth to their highest levels, Japan’s nuclear regulator said, heightening concerns about the clean-up of the worst atomic disaster in almost three decades.
Readings just above the ground near a set of tanks at the plant showed radiation as high as 2,200 millisieverts (mSv), the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) said on Wednesday. The previous high in areas holding the tanks was the 1,800 mSv recorded on Saturday.
Both levels would be enough to kill an unprotected person within hours. The NRA has said the recently discovered hotspots are highly concentrated and easily shielded.
*My stars, what a stupid made up word that is, have you ever thought about it for more than a second?