Take physic, pomp

Chart Quiz: The answer

On Monday in this post we stripped a chart of its clues and asked what stock it was and whether you’d buy it just on the chart. Well here’s the right answer (and yeah, a day late…I’m a slacker, ok?):

The chart is of Castle Gold (CSG.v) and I’m very impressed with two people who got the right company. I was even more impressed with reader SM who said he’d never buy a stock on just a chart…damn str8 dude, that’s my kinda investment philosophy.

As for my opinion on Castle Gold Corp and whether you should buy that chart, that will be available for subscribers on Sunday as The IKN Weekly is dedicating its NOBS fundamental report section on the stock in this week’s edition. We’ll get nitty gritty on the numbers, run through those books, examine the future, get a good handle on the stock. Then we’ll stick a finger in the air, come up with a price target and decide whether it’s a buy, a hold or a fold. Should be a lotta fun.

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