Overheard in a brokerage in Canada, early this morning:
Person: You see the CUM quarterly last night?
Person’s Boss: Yeah, sucked as usual.
Person: Ok, we’re on the same page. So this time I get to tell the truth?
Person’s Boss: Are you out of your mind? We have all those bot deal papers to get shot and they’re still under escrow!
Person: Oh, c’mon, it’s six quarters in a row now! All I ever get to say is “Disappointing quarter, but the company is improving operations and things look better this quarter”.
Person’s Boss: Yup, which is exactly what you get to say this time too. Look at the other NR
Person: I saw it. Secondary crusher, whoop de doo. Those the same people that installed the grate?
Person’s Boss: Hey, since when did you think it’s about being honest, anyway? We’re here to make profits, not friends.
Person: It’s just that I get so…
Person’s Boss: Enough already! STFU, sit down, write the jam tomorrow stuff. Once those buck seventy shares are out of hold you can write what you want. If your heart’s still bleeding come Q1 you can be all ‘honest’ about your analysis, ok?
Person: Seriously? About how that grade will never make…?
Person’s Boss: Yeah yeah yeah, whatever you want.