Take physic, pomp

Dilma Rousseff and Enrique Peña Nieto, Presidents of Brazil and Mexico and targets of NSA spying

The latest chapter in the Snowden papers is unfolding in Latin America. Brazilian investigative reporting TV show ‘Fantastico’, in conjunction with Glenn Greenwald, tonight revealed that Dilam Rousseff, President of Brazil, and Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico, have been successfully targeted by the USA spy agency NSA who have picked up private communications from both people. 
In the case of Rousseff the details are not yet forthcoming on the information picked up. In the case of Peña Nieto, the example shown on Brazil  TV tonight was how texts from Peña Nieto in which he named his future ministers just after winning last year’s election and long before they were announced were intercepted by the NSA.
Hilarity ensued

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