Take physic, pomp

Do what with tourism???????

This one isn’t really LatAm, but it is Spanish language, it is politics and it’s definitely stuff like that. Spanish PM Zapatero (he of the crummy suits) was speaking at a press conference today after meeting Russian President Medvedev. The issue in question was bilateral tourism and Zapatero said

“We have made an agreement to stimulate, to benefit, to f**k, to help this tourism.”
Don’t believe me? Ok, here’s the Youtube.

The exact words are (in the last 10 seconds of this 27 second video):

“Hemos hecho un acuerdo para estimular, para favorecer, para follar para apoyar ese turismo.”

For those who suffer under the Castilian challenge, the offending word is “follar” (pron: fo’ yar). Sure it’s a blooper, but it’s a damn good one. Just a pity the new US Prez is such a good speaker. Will we begin to miss those dubyaisms after a while?

Thanks for the headsup, UL.

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