Take physic, pomp

Doe Run Peru: Peru’s main central highway now blocked

As explained on IKN last night, workers at Doe Run Peru, La Oroya are now on indefinite strike. Same people have also blocked the main “carretera central” highway that runs inland from Lima and is an important trunk road for the country’s mining activity.

According to reports, police are turning back all traffic before it gets to the site of the block, thus isolating the protest (from view?….nasty feeling in pit of stomach about the near future, anyone?). And although there are 2,900 fed up DRP workers present and on strike the gov’t is already spinning the protest as the work of “extremists” in its usual “blame anyone but the culprits” manner.

That same “extremists” argument is also being used to explain the protests today in Cusco that threaten the annual “Inti Raymi” festival that’s always popular with foreign tourists. In fact, the protest has been rumbling on for months on end and is all about how local tour guides are under threat from new gov’t plans to make the job of tourguiding available to anyone, thus making a mockery of the three to five year studies that current guides went through to get their qualified positions. But hey….free markets always favour quantity over quality….it’s progress, ya knowz…

UPDATE: Good Spanish language coverage, with original on-the-spot photos and all that jazz, can be found at Huanca York Times.

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