BBVA Banco Continental forecasts that the Peruvian economy will grow 1.4% in 2009 and expects a rate of +3.3% in 2010.
So let’s check that chart I put together back in April again…
…oh looky, Otto said +1.28%. And that was the time when Spongebob and all at the Peruvian Finance Ministry said growth would be 5%, Twobreakfasts assured his masses 5%, the World Bank said 5%, the IMF said 5%, BBVA was saying 5% (or thereabouts) and the freaking Peruvian Central Bank swore blind that it’d be 5%. It’s also the time of year that commentators like Luchillo (who pretended to be an economist from chile living in Lima) would troll this blog and tell me that I must be some kind of insurgent communist for standing up and saying “They are lying to you”. How do you feel now, dumbass?
It only remains to ask whether I actually work for the bank in question (the answer being “hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa”) or whether I should work for BBVA in the future (the answer being “no way José; I’d last a week at best). Y’know, yesterday I was accused by somebody who thought he was being friendly of being too mouthy on this blog. But hey, when the whole of the financial community expects 5% growth from Peru and I’m here all year saying that’s a very large crock, at some point I have the right to stand up and say “toldya so”. And there’s never going to be an editor here, no matter what people would like to see. If you don’t like reading plain speak spoken plainly and an author that is not afraid of the truth and its painful consequences there are a zillion other corners of cyberspace to choose from. No need to return here.