Take physic, pomp

Doug Schoen is funny

Even the WaPo gets the joke. Here’s an extract from its review of his new book, “The Threat Closer to Home” (yeah, it’s about Chávez..how did you guess?)

“…..Schoen and Rowan undermine their argument with hyperbole and unsupported allegations. On the first page of “The Threat Closer to Home,” they write that “Chávez arguably presents a greater threat to America than Osama bin Laden does on a day-to-day basis,” but they make no case that Venezuelaintends to attack the United States or help others to do so. They repeat a litany of previously published allegations about Chávez’s support for Hezbollah and his close relationship with Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But they do not add anything to the factual record, nor do they attempt a coherent explanation of what the two radical leaders are up to. The authors allege that Hezbollah operates “at least five training camps in Venezuela,” but they offer no evidence for this. There is not even a footnote to buttress that sentence or the following one: “Hamas and even al-Qaeda have sent members to Venezuela to avail themselves of Chávez’s hospitality.”……”
For those not versed in review-speak, this is as close as a publication like WaPo can get to saying “bullshit” without worrying its lawyers.

Books like this = more proof that you gringos will buy anything. Do you guys want to find out what Venezuela is really like, or do you want even more excuses for a baseless hate campaign? If you raise your hand on the first option, I got a good idea; why not find out what Venezuelan people think and do when faced with wholesale media lies.

It’s a quiet Saturday out there, so sit back, click that button, relax and watch “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”, one of the most amazing documentaries of all time. You’ll find out far more about Venezuela in an hour than you would spending a year in Doug Schoen’s company. And once you’ve watched it, take a wild guess as to why the distribution of this documentary* is still banned in the United States of America.

Censorship in the USA? Shome mishtake shurely ossifer!

*Miriam Webster Dictionary: “Factual, Objective”

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