Take physic, pomp

El Salvador’s Presidential Election, March 15th 2009

Next weekend sees the presidential election showdown in El Salvador between the right-leaning Rodrigo Ávila of the ARENA party and the left-leaning Mauricio Funes of the FMLN party.

If the subject interests you, don’t get your bias from that awful O’Grady woman and don’t get it from the more respectable but still clearly biased UpsideDownWorld, either. As far as I’m concerned about the best place to watch proceedings is via an independent and experienced voice on El Salvador who follows the country’s politics closely and has such a good reputation there that he’s been an invited neutral observer on previous country elections.

So Tim’s El Salvador Blog is the place for me. He’s been blogging regularly already (the campaigns, the reactions, the collection of widely different opinion polls etc) and we’re bound to get plenty more insight from Tim in the lead-up and the aftermath to March 15th. A highly recommended source of information. Here’s the link to his blog again just to make sure.

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