Take physic, pomp

Evo and popularity

From IKN’s department of fed-up-to-the-back-teeth-with-this-bullshit-bias, here we go with the latest opinion polls and Presidential approval ratings for Evo Morales of Bolivia. With just two months before the most one-sided presidential race since Chirac vs Le Pen, Evo has been given a 60% approval rating over the length and breadth of Bolivia, up six points since the last poll, by the reliable pollsters Ipsos Apoyo.
So Evo is popular, period. He’s popular because he’s been doing a good job. Got that? I know it might be tough to swallow for some of you, but it’s just another inconvenient fact that you’re gonna have to live with, dudettes and dudes. However there’s more to see in the numbers and that’s why there are several bars on that chart above. The results have been broken down further and show Evo’s support in the three major conurbations of Bolivia. In his La Paz/El Alto stronghold he’s running an impressive 84%. In Cochabamba he’s polling 56% and is far more popular than his main (adjective used loosely) election opponent, local boy Manfred Mann Villa Reyes or Reyes Villas or whatever his name is. In Santa Cruz, he’s polling under 50% but the 39% approval is nobody’s idea of a total disaster. Just check how Evo’s numbers in Santa Cruz compare to Twobreakfasts in the whole of his country, also according to Ipsos/Apoyo.
Strange how the English language media that cover South America love to dwell on Evo’s unpopularity in Santa Cruz but nary a word gets printed about the utter rejection felt by the Peruvian people all over the country towards their dumbass-in-chief. Strange, innit?

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