Take physic, pomp

Evo gets an anniversary gift

Evo pays tribute to Aretha Franklin

Happy anniversary Meester President, as Doctor Evo Morales celebrates three years in charge of Bolivia today. And suck as it must for the rabid fascist opposition to even consider admitting it, the country has done very well under Evo for the past three years, attempted coup d’etats by the asshole racist scum notwithstanding.

So by way of a anniversary gift, Evo gets his own State run newspaper as of today. Called “Cambio” (Change) it’s an attempt to combat the obvious media bias the government runs against. Here’s Reuters with a nicely done report on the new daily paper.

Evo checks out the photos of the nekkid girls on page 3

And remember, we’re now just four days away from Sunday’s big constitutional referendum vote where Evo is bound to whip all tushes. I’m marking down my forecast for Sunday at 68% “yes”. Anyone want to play the $10 for charity betting game this time?

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