Take physic, pomp

Evrim Resources (EVM.v): In praise of Joe Mazumdar and Exploration Insights

I strongly suspect that subscribers of Exploration Insights, the junior/exploration mining company newsletter run by Joe Mazumdar and Brent Cook, are very happy people today. What Joe and Brent understand is that in the very high risk world of their sector, you only need one of your stocks to run like a scalded cat to be a success and when the one that runs is a Top Pick…well, work it out for yourself. Just as one example of the close coverage subscribers to Exploration Insights have enjoyed recently is this line (and as I haven’t asked permission, I don’t want to publish too much of their subs-only material):
“…this will be a very interesting year for EVM and underpins it as one of our top picks.”
Joe wrote that on January 9th, 2018. That’s to say, here:
Exploration Insights isn’t a cheap newsletter, but that’s because it is by far the best on junior mining out there. Bar none. So maybe you should go and check out their website, too (plenty of freestuff there as well). And before you ask, for the record this post is 100% unsolicited, neither Brent nor Joe know I’m writing it and it’s done for no type of fee, payment or anything. My benefit is pointing readers of IKN toward quality, that’s all.
PS: On a quid pro quo basis, I get Exploration Insights every weekend and they get The IKN Weekly. And I get the better end of the deal.

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