Take physic, pomp

Focus Ventures (FCV.v) delivers a pre-feas

This morning Focus Ventures (FCV.v) brings news of that rarest of items in junior mining circles at the moment, the results of a brand new pre-feas study on their Bayovar12 project*. And if you want to know just one thing about it…
…it’s fair to say that it’s pretty sensitive to the price of the end product. 
It’s also clear to your humble scribe, even after a look at the NR and not the 43-101 we’ll get later, that there’s a big difference between this particular pre-feas stage document at the ciggypack calcs we’ve been working on it so far. Plenty to chew over, expect better thoughts this weekend in IKN348, subbers.
*What? You mean a junior exploreco has been spending its money on developing its property? It hasn’t been “concentrating on cash conservation (in order to pay to all-important director salaries for two years rather than one)? How oldskool of them…

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