Take physic, pomp

Fortuna does the Apple

Do we shamelessly pump junior silver mining companies that we like? Yes we do, because we don’t base our arguments on wings’n’prayers. Nor do we base them on the fact we hold a massive underwater position and are trying to get a new bunch of saps to bail out our personal wallets (see previous post). We look to fundamental analysis round here. Chez Otto we approve of honest shareholder-friendly management that actually know how to run a working mine successfully (not just an IR dep’t). Put briefly, we like Fortuna Silver (FVI.v).

So tomorrow the FVI.v crew hits New York City as part of its promo show-them-to-the-money-people roadshow. I know a couple of readers will be attending so I hope you don’t just take FVI.v at their word but ask them a few tough questions, cos the more you find out about FVI.v the more you’ll like it, I’m quite sure. And if anyone else is in the area and wants to find out what a small silver junior is like when it’s just trying to prove to a cynical world how good it really is and not resorting to playing hide’n’seek behind a wall of BS hype, go along to the presentation yourself. Then buy some stock.

Disclosure: Long FVI.v (no sheeyit Sherlock, eh?)

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