Take physic, pomp

Freestuff to keep you amused

While I stretch out on a beach, here are four good links to freestuff to keep you occupied and busy reading and all that jazz. The first two are straight downloads with no catches. The third and fourth are on request basis for USA and Canada readers and if you get your free report Otto gets a small commish (so get yourself one, support IKN and get some free education at the same time).
  • Get your brochure “What is ISO-9000 and Why Should I Care?” (especially useful for mining industry readers) by clicking right here.
  • Request your copy of “Enterprise Asset Management: Maximizing Return on Assets (RoA) and Emerging Trends”, an Aberdeen Group report which surveyed more than 160 manufacturing executives to understand the strategies and business capabilities adopted to maximize Return on Assets and reduce risk from failure of critical assets (which is exactly what businesses need to know in recessionary times, so get wise to this and shine like the stars that you are at the office Monday morning, dudettes and dudes).
See you back here in a week!

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