You can’t do things like this, but the problem is that they all do the same. Mauricio Macri did it last week by separating the porteño (Buenos Aires City) election from the national election timetable. Macri goes on and on about how expensive it is to hold an election, as each one costs the capital city aorund 20 million pesos (U$6m). Mauricio bases a whole disourse on saving money, but when it suits him politically he has no problem in separating elections and spending an extra 20m. They’re all as dirty as one another. Mauricio, once upon a time was candidate for deputy in Misiones (ottonote, far northeastern corner of Argentina) when everyone knew he’d hardly ever stepped foot outside of his upper class Recoleta neighbourhood of Buenos Aires. Daniel Scioli is more porteño than Gardel (bad example, he was Uruguayan!) but he’s now the governor of Buenos Aires province. They all cheat. Menem did the same in his day. Duhalde, Alfonsin, Cavallo, none of them are clean.
These days Argentine politicos are evermore sophisticated, they resemble chess players. They spend their whole time hatching plots to eke out advantages and gain extra power. Cristina called a surprise press conference to announce new measures that only two or three people knew about previously. The surprise effect takes the advantage away from the opposition, for example the farmers. Then the government really takes care in how the media portrays every newsworthy event. I’m certain that Nestor spends hours every day reading the newspapers, listening to the radio and watching the political programs on TV, and that Macri, Duhalde and Carrió do exactly the same. Then later they meet with their teams and allies to form their electoral strategy. These days it’s more important to have the best image advisor than it is to have the best Finance Minister.
But what about the country? Who is considering long-term strategies and state politics for Argentina? Shouldn’t politics be about these things? Shouldn’t it be something passionate? It’s clear that none of today’s political class gives a damn about the country, but sometimes it’s worrying that everything is so improvised, Machiavellian and empty of real content. Nowadays there’s no debate on issues and projects, as the only thing that matters is who’s the sneakiest among them. Up to now, Nestor has shown himself to be the best chess player.