So when Porteño (we’ll use that moniker) saw the Mauricio Macri video in the preceding post this morning he sent me a mail with his views on Macri and entourage that’s well worth putting through the Ottotrans™ and sharing on the blog (permission has been granted). As mentioned already today, Macri is one of these “love him or hate him” characters down there. Enjoy.
Speaking of De Narváez, five or six years ago he bought Juan Perón’s personal library and still hasn’t read one of the books. He said it himself, no kidding.
But back to Mauricio: I still don’t understand how nobody realizes that the guy is a packaged product. But he’s also a dangerous package. Up to now all that he’s done is:
- Raised Buenos Aires property taxes an average of 300%
- Increased road tolls
- Increased the number of parking meters and their charges
- Attempted to cut gross salaries.
- Added stamp duty to house sales
- Added tax to credit cards
- Sold construction materials to out-of-city centre residential projects (known as “countrys”)
- Stopped education grants and scholarships
- Cut health spending
- Destroyed the Colon Opera House
- Created a disaster in the hospitals system
- Sacked local gov’t people that protest and ignored the corrupt
- His government functionaries are resigning en masse
- His execution of the city budget plans is the worst in 30 years
I could go on and on about this idiot but I’d get boring. The Duhalde/Macri/De Narvaez association scares me, frankly, but it looks like it’s going to be the future.
**Explanation from Porteño himself: “Francisco de Narváez is a businessman who made his fortune in the 1990s. After the 2002 crisis he started in politics with a discourse based on crime/security. In the same way as Mauricio he spends a lot of money on propaganda and has smart people as political advisors. His slogan is very good; “Knowledge brings safety”. Thus he pushes his “grand project, the “safety map”. His speeches are aimed at the typical scared middle class.”