While i’m thinking about it, Gary BiiWii deserves a serious shoutout and w00t for the way he’s been calling the market recently. He said “HUI 300” when it was way below that number and that was the top almost to the penny. He then said “HUI 250” and sure enough it returned to where he said it would, again almost to the penny. This links to his site, and this links to his useful blog (part of the site).
He also does a paid subscription service and you might want to check it out, as if he keeps whacking out these winning calls the $26 monthly price will pay for itself multiple times over (and yes he’s a pal, but I don’t get anything in the way of commish or fees for recommending his service. As with everything that happens on this blog, I’m just straightshooting you). Here’s the link to go find out more.
Finally, I’ve been buying today. I picked up small amounts in GRZ (for the love of the sweet Lord, protect me from myself), DMM.to (a small trading position that I’m not going to mentally mix in with the larger, longer-term chunk I still hold from the low prices) and JAG (the idea is to start building a position here…consider this the first lump). If you want to know why, send me a mail. I’ve also taken out a short position in a gold mining stock by way of a hedge against other exposure but I’m not going to disclose which one. Again, it’s only a small chunk and won’t affect the world.