Take physic, pomp

Good weekend reading from respected bruddasites*

I really enjoyed Jurgen Schuldt’s essay aimed at emerging market economies and entitled “Crisis, Neoprotectionism and Deglobalization”. It ends by asking, “Will we learn the lesson in the future, that we should occupy ourselves more in expanding and fortifying our internal markets, beginning with the development of our own “food security” to be able to sustain ourselves in the face of recurring external shocks?”. Quite so. Highly recommended reading for Spanish speakers.

The Illiad is invoked this week by Wave Journal. A great post, and check out the link he provides to go visit some awe-inspiring photography of breaking waves. Guaranteed to leave you with a “wow” under your breath.

Memory in Latin America reminds us that today is International Women’s Day and brings us a marvellous example of female courage and the lasting spirit of good that one woman, in this case a Peruvian, can give to the world. Great reading as usual from Lillie’s site.

The Mex Files brings us another example of ignorant gringo ex-pats in LatAm, this time from one certain (and rather famous) spot in Mexico. RG’s prose is a delight to read and deftly ridicules without breaking into a heavy handed rant (more likely on brutish blogs like IKN).

At Lapicero Digital, Silvio Rendon reports on the unfortunate wave of plagarism rife in the Peruvian blogosphere. The basic problem is that there are a half dozen or so larger traffic blogs that, rather than link- excerpt-credit, will reproduce interesting blogs from minor sites in a wholesale manner, thus selfishly keeping traffic to themselves.

The Peru blog scene is still rather immature in many ways (just check out the comments sections to be bored to death after about a minute on most blogs) and hasn’t yet learned the basic blog rule that the more you send people away the more they’ll come back. The Peruvian blogosphere so far reflects its MSM in many respects; a few good patches but mostly mediocre. People like Rendon are notable exceptions and do their country great service, whether you agree with their political take or not. Spanish language.

Nearly forgot. Cam Hui over at Humble Student of the Markets has a new post entitled “Gold Stock Mystery” and wonders why gold miner stocks have underperformed compared to the metal. Plenty of words, charts and food for thought in this one. Recommended reading for those interested in PMs.

* and sistasites Lillie, esp on Intl Women’s Day

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