At Trend&Value, Lucas is giving away a free sample copy of his new daily newsletter. I personally get it delivered and so here comes my unsolicited testimony. It’s a daily newsletter that clearly takes a lot of effort and time to put together. It is a very impressive service full of smart advice and clear trading indications. Hugely recommended service at a very low price. Go see for yourself (and once again, I’m not on commission or anything of the sort; this is me reco’ing to you, period).
At Mexfiles, RG reports on the totally unsurprising failure of the Mexican tree-planting program. Expect the same kind of headlines in a year or so for the badly thought out Peruvian tree-planting initiative going on now. These things never work in LatAm. Never.
At Memory in Latin America, Lillie keeps us up to date with what’s happening with the Argentine Dirty War trials and the judiciary’s attempts to mete out justice to those who were in the thick of the nastiness.
*and sistasites, lillie.