Take physic, pomp

Here’s an interesting date for the Southern Copper (SCCO) Tia Maria project

Hey, remember how the Peru government got all happy when they shoved through the Tia Maria social licence late last year, against the will of the majority of locals and using all the sneaky tricks they could muster to avoid real problems at the meeting? If you don’t IKN did a really really wonderful post on the event which you can read here. Afterwards the media was full of the “oh aren’t we wonderful” government propaganda, but unfortunately for those who use these pressure tactics (and anyone who swallows them whole) we haven’t heard the last of the problems around Tia Maria, not by a long way.
So to that date promised in the title and on January 17th, a big anti-mine meeting is scheduled is the Islay region of Peru (location of Tia Maria) against the project and the guest speaker of honour is likely to cause a big fuss. That’s because he’s Isaac Humala, father of Ollanta Humala and he’s bound to come out against the copper mine project and likely to slam into the bullyboy tactics being used by his son’s government in the region. Hilarity will ensue.
You have been warned. 

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