Yesterday, President Twobreakfasts announced a
stimulus package of U$13.2Bn for Peru.
WHAAAAAAAAT?? THIRTEEN POINT TWO BILLION UNITED STATES DOLLAZ?? IS THIS SOME SORT OF JOKE??? thought your incredulous Otto. Why so? Why is this a total crock? Well if you do some sums yourself you can get to play President in an entirely different way. For example:
“People of Ottolandia, this is your ruler speaking. Through no fault of our own, this wonderful country of ours, home to 28 million inhabitants, is facing a cruel economic downturn. The ridiculous economic models used by the world’s largest countries have been good to us for the last five years, but now it’s time to call them stupid.
However, help is at hand. I, Otto the First, will open the locks on our bravely won reserve of money and spend U$13.2Bn in the next 12 months. This I will do by giving each and every one of my citizens U$40 per month from January to December.
YES INDEED, MY PEOPLE! Even the 40% of you who live on just two dollars per day will benefit from my magnificence. Man woman and child will all get $40 cash in the hand. With this you can stimulate the economy by buying and investing.
Let peace be upon my land. Otto hath spoken!
But in the case of Twobreakfasts, he’ll take the equivalent of U$40 per inhabitant of Peru per month and give it straight to his friends in the construction industry. If the average citizen get to see just one of those 40 dollars every month it will be a minor miracle.
Viva investment grade. Viva…Viva… Viva