Take physic, pomp

Honduras: Dictatorship police state update

Remember the above photo(s) from Wednesday? Yep, that’s the dead body of Isis Obed Murillo Mencia (19 years old) as photographed by AP on the right….and then how the same photo was doctored and published in the Honduras pro-usurper media later…..no blood, no death, no nothing.

So now check out the translation below of this news story that has his father arrested without charge by plain clothes officers. Welcome to Argentina 1970’s.

Mr. José Davis Murillo Sanchez, father of Isis Obed Murillo Mencia, the 19 year old youth assassinted by security forces, yesterday presented his testimony in the DGIC and also in COFADEH (fiscal and human rights offices).

At 11:30am he left COFADEH and according to witnesses was detained by three plain clothes police officers who took him away in a white pick-up truck. He presented himself at COFADEH and DGIC as he supposedly had charges outstanding against himself from two years previously for being an activist in the Olancho Environmentalist Movement (MAO).

According to Rene Gradias, head of MAO, Mr. David Murillo was previously tried and declared innocent of all charges. Gradias said he had been detained for not having a “letter of liberty”. This is clear evidence of police persecution of leaders of popular movements. Yesterday afternoon, several lawyers from different human rights institutions demanded his liberation.

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