Teguigalpa, 30 (PL). Judges and independent lawyers in Honduras today presented a demand against the de facto President, Roberto Micheletti, the military coup high command and congress for violation of the constitution and law.
The president of the association of Judges For Democracy, Guillermo López, confirmed to Prensa Latina that a blocking order (amparo) in favour of the constitutional President, Manuel Zelaya, had been delivered to the Supreme Court.
López said that articles 81 and 102 of the constitution establish that no Honduran can be deported or forced out of the country, as occurred last Sunday with the head of state after his kidnapping by masked soldiers.
The blocking order (amparo) demands that this guarantee is returned to President Zelaya and that he is repatriated immediately, explained the judge. CONTINUES HERE
Honduras: Internal dissent and legal moves inside the country to stop Micheletti
Looks like there are some brave judges and legal beagles standing up to the usurper Micheletti inside Honduras. This from Prensa Latina (lefty bias newswire, but ok when sticking to facts)