Take physic, pomp

Honduras: Lula and PE are right, the WSJ is way wrong

“Micheletti, You Aren’t My President” (signed, The People)
(On the streets of Honduras today

Here follows a very smart comment left by reader PE in the comments section of this previous post. Read carefully and send it to that WSJ dumbass O’Grady, because either she’s ignorant about the real background and spouting crap or she knows about it and prefers not to address it. Either way she and all the other coup apologists are 100% wrong. This is not about whether Zelaya is or isn’t a good President; it’s about what Lula da Silva said today;

“We can no longer accept in Latin America that some want to solve their problems of power through a Coup because we cannot accept that some see solutions for their country without democracy or free and direct elections.”

Exactly, Lula. Exactly. Here’s PE’s comment:



I think there’s alot of confusion about the vote Zelaya proposed. I’d like to direct your attention to a transcript released yesterday by the American State Department:
Specifically, the section where a reporter wonders whether the coup was justified constitutionally. The State Department official provides the best english-language response & summary of events I’ve seen yet:

“Yeah, but now you’re invoking the — I’m sorry, but now you’re invoking the constitution to return him. So did you think that what he was doing was in line with the constitution?”

“No, but there’s a big distinction here because, on the one instance, we’re (talking) about conducting a survey, a nonbinding survey; in the other instance, we’re talking about the forcible removal of a president from a country. So I think we can distinguish between those terms — those two in terms of what’s constitutional and what might be left to institutions.

But I think what’s important to remember about the survey is that it was just that. It wasn’t even a formal vote. It was a NONBINDING SURVEY.

And the issue of whether it was legitimate or illegal did not revolve around the survey itself. It revolved around who conducted it and whether or not this could be conducted by the government and which institution in the government could conduct it, and whether or not as it’s being conducted state security forces could be used to both manage and secure the equipment that was being used for the survey and provide security.

And that’s where the divide occurred within Honduras. It was about who conducted this survey, with several institutions in Honduras insisting that the Honduran Government could not conduct it, at least not in the way that President Zelaya had suggested.”

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