…this humble corner of cyberspace cannot help your cause. Stop reading this blog, close all your trading accounts, put your savings into time deposits and retirement funds. Today from LIDA.cse, buried under guff and nonsense about delays and plans:
Director Resignation
The Company also announces Erick Underwood has resigned as a director of Lida effective October 29, 2020. The Company would like to thank Mr. Underwood for his contributions to the Company and wishes him well in his future endeavours.
World Wide Media Group LLC Agreement
Further to its press release of October 20, 2020 the Company confirms that it retained World Wide Media Group LLC (“World Wide“) on September 22, 2020 for cash consideration of US$130,000 for a term of 30 days. During such engagement, World Wide (on behalf of the Company) paid for certain marketing materials to be disseminated via Wall Street Alerts on October 19, 2020 and October 20, 2020. The Company confirms that the contract with World Wide has expired and that the Company has adopted a policy to ensure it reviews any marketing materials published on its behalf in the future.
And here’s a price chart:
And so we are all good about who knows what about what and whatnot, your humble scribe accurately forecast LIDA long before any of the above. On July 20th, to be exact:
There are suddenly plenty of newbies just ready to be fleeced and as day follows night, the bad pennies show up again. Yes, it’s a scam. Of course it’s a scam, where have you been all this time? All you need to do is spot the three key words…
Len De Melt
…and all becomes crystal clear, this junk vehicle peddling nothing exists for the sole purpose of exchanging his paper for your money. Run away fast.
Further questions?
Funniest of all: Screams of horror and scam from one and all, and hey, the regulators may even do something about Len de Melt one day. But Wide Boy Beaty and a scam 50x this size? Even when it’s obvious criminal activity, nobody lifts a finger, nobody dares say a word in public.