Take physic, pomp

It must be some sort of Canadian practical joke

What do Gammon Gold (GRS) (GAM.to), Minefinders (MFN) (MFL.to) and Jaguar Mining (JAG) (JAG.to) have in common?

1) They’re all junior gold producers
2) They all operate in the LatAm region
3) They all quote on the NYSE as well as in the Canadian market
4) They’re all pisspoor producers, have never lived up to their own overhyped expectations and have left plenty of bagholders in their wake this year.

How the devil can a producing miner lose 10% this year the way Minefinders (MFN) has done is beyond me, what with the gold price up 20% in the same period and these miners supposedly giving leverage to the metal price. And MFN is the best (amazingly) of our three here, with Jaguar (JAG) and Gammon (GRS) losing more than 40% in 2010. Incompetence, thy names are clear.
The more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that this must be some sort of Canucky practical joke played on their southern neighbours. Kinda, “Hey, let’s list this PoS down there as well….jeesh those guys will buy anything” theme. No wonder US investors can’t handle gold juniors. After all, the limited amount of tickers available to them have been so overhyped they’ve probably been put off forever. DYODD.

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