Take physic, pomp

It’s just not cricket! Allan Stanford, Stanford International Bank and the whole rotten empire is toast.

You’re out, Allen

The ECB (guys in blazers that run cricket) has just broken off talks with Cur Allen Stanford over a new sponsorship deal. Apparently it just is not the right thing to do business with cads and bounders.

Felix Salmon has done a nice overview of the SEC complaint with a list of salient points. He calls it “quite astonishing” and after reading it through carefully your humble correspondent has to agree. Go take a look a Salmon’s post and while you’re there give him the kudos he deserves in the comment boxes. He was the only high traffic blogger with the balls to run with this, he chided MSM all week about being so wishy-washy and he got the story out there and noticed by the larger world. While you’re reading Salmon, read the full SEC complaint which you can download right here.

Duck Tales, the excellent report that started all this ball rolling, can be found right here, so go download it now and read a piece of financial history. The SEC moves today would not have happened, repeat would NOT have happened without the initial momentum caused by this brave and insightful report. Alex Dalmady is the unsung (so far) hero of the hour. May his star rise in the firmament.

The Devil’s Excrement deserves special mention, as blog owner MO made the Duck Tales report available and wrote an impressive post that allowed Dalmady’s note to finally catch the attention of the wider world.

The power of quality econoblogging has been definitively vindicated.

Click here for all IKN posts on Stanford (the series begins February 10th)

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