Take physic, pomp

Mailbag on Continental Gold (CNL.to)

Reader ‘P’ (an industry professional) has kindly given permission to publish the mail he sent into IKN Nerve Centre this morning. It goes like this (names removed, rest as-is):
“…an excerpt from Continental Gold’s recently
published 43-101 FS on the Buriticá project (Section 4.6.3):

On December 23, 2013, the company submitted an EIA to Corantioquia, representing the final modification to the environmental license for the entire surface infrastructure required to build a mine in the Higabra Valley.


On September 15, 2015, the company announced that it had requested the National Government of Colombia to assume responsibility for reviewing the application for modification to the EIA for the Buriticá Project as a PINES Project (Proyecto Estratégicos de Interés Nacional), as contemplated under Colombian law.
Consequently, the company withdrew its application for the modification of the
EIA from Corantioquia.

Isn’t it the case that Corantioquia had actually rejected the Continental application in September 2015?
(which would make the last phrase nonsense).

Reading the report, they are quite gung-ho on the project and seem to think that it’s a goer. Your thoughts?
Your humble scribe replied:
Indeed (name removed), it’s all here including
the quote from the head of Coriantioquia, stating that his office had
denied the permit for CNL at Buriticá on September 11th.
And why that matters now is here because
CNL has to go back, cap in hand to that very same person, and get the
permit approved from Coriantioquia before anything can happen. As I
noted in the Weekly on Sunday
while writing up on the last three months in Colombia…
The Constitution Court, which has ruled in favour of the Páramo protection laws and against companies such as Eco Oro at Angostura. In the same ruling the court also said that the country’s PINES program for fast-tracking specific projects was all well and  good, but the projects will also need permits from regional enviro people. This part didn’t go down well in the offices of Continental Gold (CNL.to).
Re-read that section of the 43-101 script you sent to me. Note how it tells no lies. That’s lawyer-speak…”
I may have spelled it wrong in my mails to P but, oh to be a fly on the wall when the CNL team meet up with the Coriantioquia Corantioquia people again.

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