Max Sali’s daddy told Max Sali it would be easy.
Max Sali’s daddy got the Vancouver rip-off brigade to sponsor his son.
Marin Katusa has lost millions due to Max Sali.
Max Sali’s daddy must be disappointed, the fils just doesn’t have the stomach to swindle and con the world the way he does.

UPDATE: This desk is amused to hear how certain quarters of Vancouver’s High Society of mining are offended by this post! Oh, how offended their hearts must feel! Just wait til we start on Clive Johnson’s cupboard of skeletons, half of the same high society will be screaming at their lawyers to get IKN cancelled. A plague o’ both your houses, Vancouver.
And to avoid receiving more mails, I did not get any of the verb tenses wrong. Scum is scum.
Go Fir it. me too time is coming for these retail shareholder serial rapists.
Max’s father died over five years ago from a heart attack. You may be thinking of another family member.