Take physic, pomp

Mary Anastasia O’Grady, winner of this week’s coveted award

And before you say anything, it’s not the politics, either. Yeah, sure we all know Mary Anastasia O’Grady is right wing and we know her employer is right wing. Look…ok….fine…she’s going to try and win one for Dubya and Gipper and although not a personal taste, it’s not STFU material. What we’re talking about here is a serial ignorance of Latin American affairs that has no excuse possible amongst sentient beings.
  • When she writes about Ecuador, her blatantly false accusations piss off the country’s President so much that he slaps a lawsuit on her paper’s tush.
And you’ll note (to spare us all some pain) I haven’t even mentioned Venezuela on that list. So please, Mary Anastasia O’Grady, for once in your life do a bit of fact checking and pretend that your readership are not morons just waiting to get their brains washed, rinsed and repeated.

Either that or just

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