The news out of Brazil caught the headlines of all newswires, with Bloomie’s ‘Mosiac Climbs After Report Vale May Bid $25Bn‘ and Reuters with ‘Vale mulls bid for Cargill’s Mosiac‘ pretty typical of the bunch. But when your humble correspondent clicked open the stories it turns out that the source for the story is the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo, a medium second to none for its unfounded bullshit and made up stories about takeovers, movers and shakers.
So if you want to get out of MOS, do it today. Any other source and I’d be expecting the deal to happen, but as it’s O Estado the chances drop to 25% maximum. I mean, why should Vale buy a fertilizer play right now when anybody with a brain sees the potash cartel prices cracking and a big drop in revenues in the very near future?
UPDATE: Right on cue, Forbes published this report this afternoon on the soft earnings outlook for the major fertilizer players, including MOS of course.